The Boxer Was a Knockout!

Review by Kaniya Johnson. Photo from Pinterest.

The boxer is a webtoon about an unbeatable boxer called Young “yuu” who was found by a famous boxing coach, K, who right away noticed the potential inside of Yuu although he himself wasn't able to find any value in it. Further into the story we find out that K’s intentions weren’t as pure as we were led to believe. 

Personally I feel as though this webtoon is entirely underrated. See, you might think because he is unbeatable that the predictability of him winning each round would bore you, but I promise it's nothing of the sort. Every fight is filled with a backstory, a reason, and a timeline. This story is not about the fight you're looking forward to but the high stakes in the ring. This webtoon will have you on the edge of your seat like you're there watching the fight in person. Yuu may be the main character but trust me he's not the only character that's going to grab your heart and throw it for a loop. 

Although I love this webtoon, I can admit it’s not perfect. Learning about each character makes you feel a connection to so many people that you find yourself at times rooting against the main one. I believe anyone reading this, and anyone who even stumbles upon it by chance should DEFINITELY READ IT. 

Kaniya Johnson is a sophomore at Friendship Collegiate Academy.