The Creep is Revealed

Commentary by Emiyah Cofield. Photo by Naija News & Events.

JULY 28, 2015: In 2005, Bill Cosby admitted in court to drugging women for sexual intercourse. On July 7, 2015 the final documents were presented, stating that he has drugged women for sex in the past. They revealed that he was in possession of Quaaludes and gave them to women so he could have sex with them. Cosby admitted to the accusations and that he had done it to women all over the world.

In my eyes, Bill Cosby is disgusting. I believe he may not be charged, because the crimes he committed happened over 40 years ago. The fact that he avoided accusations for a long time, that he is a former rapist really scares me. Also, I think he waited so long before admitting what he did, because he thought after 40 years, legally he cannot be charged.

This is an important topic, because it can save the lives of women, as there are many cases of women who die from being raped, or could overdose on the drugs given to them. Also, I think that the fact that he’s caught, will give more women the courage to step forward and share their story of being drugged by this man. This is also important, because when rich people commit crimes, society likes to push it under the rug because people aren’t comfortable talking about it. I don’t know what will happen to Cosby but I think he has affected his career very negatively, and if he was not a billionaire, his career would be over. However, this topic needs to be discussed, because it is very serious. He has robbed women of their trust, dignity, and respect.

Emiyah Cofield is a freshman at Friendship Collegiate Academy.

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