The Dawn of A New Metro Train

Story and Photos by Isaiah Lipscombe.

April 23, 2015: On April 14, 2015 they let the public ride the first 7000 series train as it pulled off from Franconia Springfield Metro Station around 7:17 am. The train was near full capacity after leaving Van Dorn Street Metro Station (the next stop). The train then went into normal rotation on the blue line train route. It was a sight to see.

Many people living in the D.C. metropolitan area should know, Metro is releasing a totally new train, the 7000 series. The 7000 series train has no carpeting, wider aisles, and has a completely different interior and exterior appearance. It has two digital displays on each car, as well as an overview screen that displays the upcoming stops and the final destination. The train also has automatic announcements that are clear and precise. Not to mention the train glides smoothly down the tracks. The 7000 series is a train that will make your Metro experience even better. Can’t wait for the full release of all 7000 series trains.

Isaiah Lipscombe is a 9th grade student at Friendship Collegiate Academy.