The Future Of Our Country

 Story by Ayonlah Carter. Photos by Ayonlah Carter and Kori Johnson.

DEC. 16, 2016: What will the future of our country be?  On November 2, 2016, Friendship Chamberlain participated in the Friendship school-wide “Mock Election” to vote for the best candidate. Each student watched two videos of the two candidates speaking about different topics such as gun laws, voting rights, and immigration. The videos were about one minute long with each candidate trying to convince the students to vote for him. Most of the students choose the student who represented Hillary Clinton because of what she stands up for and maybe because they like her ideas for the future of this generation and country. After the students at Chamberlain were done voting, they looked at the data and graphs about the voting decisions. Most the students were pleased about the results of who voted for whom because the student representing Hillary Clinton had more votes than the student who represented Donald Trump.

Then on election day, November 8, 2016, Friendship Chamberlain was chosen to be a real voting site. There were tons of people from the community waiting in line to vote. Everyone’s hopes and expectations were very high for Hillary Clinton to win this election. There was this woman with the biggest sign saying “#IMWITHHER”.

Unfortunately Donald Trump won the election. However, Hillary won D.C. with 96% of people voting for her and only 4% voting for other candidates. We don’t know what the future has in store for this country, but we should all continue to move forward and hope for the best!

We just got a new president, which means we are about to lose one…a FANTASTIC one at that. Barack Obama’s term is about to be over in a few months.  Honestly and truly, he will be missed. His family has been so inspirational to Friendship and this country. Barack shows our community that you can be whatever you want to be no matter what race, color, or religion. Michelle Obama has been a positive role model to young ladies and gentlemen by setting an example of always seeing the good in bad situations. Michelle has been a great role model by helping children with her “Get Fit Program”. The program has each child exercise for 60 minutes a day and the data from 2008-2016 is outstanding. We are also impressed with her healthy foods and garden programs. This country owes the Obama’s an endless amount of love and support for all the good they’ve done for the past eight AMAZING years of their time running this country.

Ayonlah Carter is a seventh grade scholar and Kori Johnson is a fourth grade scholar at Friendship Chamberlain Academy.