The IRF Show: Don’t Dream It. Just Do It!

Story by Terrell Artis, La’Rai Sampson, Terrence Parker, Traquan Jankis and Dionel Grice. Edited by Michael Blackson and Sean Beach. Video by Terrell Artis.

NOV. 23, 2015: On September 9, 2015 During the series “Real Talk at Friendship”, Dr. Cheryl McBride came to Friendship Tech Prep to inspire the 9th graders. Dr. McBride wanted to prepare them for the upcoming year. She gave inspiration by telling us to never give up on dreams and to do the right thing in school. She talked about overcoming obstacles and never getting  down on life. Dr. McBride is the CEO of High School of Excellence in Milwaukee.

Dr. McBride said things like “I’m just stopping by so that the only thing you don’t do in life is go home and chill.”What she was trying to say is that she does not want us to go home like it is another day wasted but to go home with a better look at life.

Dr. McBride showed respect and acknowledged Ms.Smith and the students. She asked students who did all their work

and came to school on time to come up front. Then, Dr. McBride asked the question, “Why are you working so hard to do your best?” After the question, a large group of outstanding students marched around the room saying a motivational chant.

She took the time to let us ask her a few questions. A student asked Dr. McBride,”How” do you keep your smile?” Dr. McBride responded by calling her best friend to help answer. Dr. McBride stated that they made a “pact”, which means that they made a promise that will never be broken. They said they will never be unhappy, and “We will never be thrown and we will be the best.”

Dr. McBride was successful in raising people’s spirits and getting them to feel good about themselves.

Michael Blackson is a 8th grade students, Terrell Artis, La’Rai Sampson, Terrence Parker, Traquan Jankis, Sean Beach,and Dionel Grice are 7th grade students at Friendship Tech Prep Middle School.