The Life Of A Senior At Friendship Collegiate

Story by Donyea’ Jones. Photo by: Simone Winbush.

MAY 10, 2017: Attending Friendship Collegiate in my senior year has been stressful. Since the beginning of the year, I have been overwhelmed with work and deadlines. No one would imagine how heavy my workload is because I’m not the person who complains. I would just get my work done.

My senior thesis, applying to colleges and for scholarships has been an eye-opener for me because I know what it’s like to do things for myself. Right now I’m taking AP Art, AP Government, Honors Pre-Calculus, AP Lit, and four other non-AP classes.  In total, I take eight classes which are not so bad for a senior,  but it’s just the AP courses and the honors class that’s a challenge. In my AP classes, I have a test almost every week, which means more studying and making sure that I’m prepared. Now that it’s almost  June, I’m starting to panic because I have a lot to do. All I’m worried about is graduating and getting into college, but in order to get there, I have to meet deadlines.

As for lower classmen, I wish them well and hope that they are prepared for the stressful year when they become seniors because it’s not easy. My advice to you guys is to make sure you are on top of your work and to remember to value your education.

Donyea’ Jones is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.