Toys R Back?

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Story by Courtney Lyles. Photo courtesy of YouTube.

JAN. 27. 2020: Did you ever go to Toys R Us as a kid, or even as a teen or an adult? Well, I did. Toys R Us was one of the largest toy stores in the US since it first opened in 1957, but in 2018 it closed, breaking the hearts of many young kids, teens, and adults. Even though Toys R Us closed two years ago, the word is spreading about it coming back. 

According to BBC News, the reason Toys R Us closed was because of debt. By the time the company filed for bankruptcy, they were already drowning in 7.9 billion dollars worth of debt. However many other lower-priced retail stores contributed to the closing of Toys R Us, like Target, Walmart, and Amazon. Toys R Us and Amazon made a deal that for 10 years the Toys R Us website could redirect to Amazon in exchange for the high rated toys, but when Amazon allowed other toy companies to sell on their site a lawsuit ended the deal.

Toys R Us needed bankruptcy protection when they failed to find a new buyer for the business, also causing the store to close. Last year in 2019, Toys R Us planned to open a minimum 2 stores, with more planned for 2020. The new stores will be smaller than the Toys R Us old stores. As a lover of Toys R Us, I’m glad that it will be back, and I hope other kids, teens, and adults will be glad it’s back too.

Courtney Lyles is a 6th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International School.