Underwater Chameleons

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Story by Ahmed Abdul-Malik, FNN 6th grade reporter,  FPCS Online Academy. Photo from Pinterest.

On 4/27/2021: A Cuttlefish came out of a seaweed patch near me and as another diver looked over at it. It changed colors and started moving backwards.

I took a trip to Malta in an airplane to go diving. When I got there, I drove to the beach and got my supplies out of my car and I went to the boat rentals. I got a boat and then I looked over my shoulder and saw that my friend had also come to Malta. So I asked if he wanted to go diving and he said “Sure”.  

We rode the boat to the middle of the sea and then we put on our gear and jumped in the water. I saw lots of fish and a few crabs until I saw something that looked strange. It looked a lot like a squid. I swam closer to it and then it went into a seaweed patch. My friend gestured at me with his camera and took a picture of it. It turns out it was a Cuttlefish. Just when we were about to leave, I saw it swim towards a crab and it started flashing black and white. I was shocked because a few seconds later the crab was hypnotized and the Cuttlefish ate it. My friend and I swam up to the boat and we both said, “Wow”!

I think you should try diving in Malta and see the Cuttlefish there, because they are something you should really see in person. Here is a link for diving tours in Malta.