Want to Hear It From Me: Virtual or In-Person Learning?

Story and photo by Gabby Lofton.

I think we should go back to school. I feel this way because we should be able to see our friends and teachers in person. We should be able to play at the playground, and we won’t have to deal with the computer glitching. Seeing our friends and teachers in person is important because getting to know someone online is not as easy as getting to know them in person. Playing on the playground is important because we need exercise. With virtual learning, we don’t get to go outside to exercise because we don’t have long enough breaks. Lastly, not having to deal with glitching is important because it takes away from our learning time. In conclusion, we should go back to school so we can make friends, get exercise, and learn without glitches. 

Gabby Lofton is a 2nd grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International Academy.