Watch Out! It’s Luray Caverns!!

Photo and Story by De'Asya Ford

MAY 31, 2017: Blow Pierce 5th grade classes went to Luray Caverns with Junior Cadet (a program funded by Metropolitan Police Department). As soon as we began our tour, we made sure that we listened to the Caverns Tour Guides because they gave us some great facts about each exhibit.  When we were taking our tour, there was an instrument called an organ that was used for every wedding held at the Caverns. The sound was kind of like a piano tune and it was a very good melody. The organ vibrates off of the stalagmites and stalactites, which are both pointed formations found in a limestone cave. “The stalactite has “c” in it as in “ceiling” and stalagmite has “g” in it as in “ground”.  That was a little tip the tour guide told us in order for us to remember the forms.

After we went through an underground tunnel, it was like the world was dark and gloomy. I think my eyes were tricked from being in the tunnel for so long.  It was a 30-minute walk through the caverns. After we indulged in the cavern fun, we went to the toy museum, where they had all doll-sized toys.  It was somewhat amazing. The toy museum had lots of interesting candies and toys.  A candy that I’d never seen before was a coconut bar that is the color of pink, white, and blue.  Some of the toys that I saw weren’t really toys but were mostly like souvenirs and throwback items from the 70s and 80s.

The next museum that we went to was the Car Museum.  In the Car Museum, there were lots of cars from back in the days.  My favorite car was a Mercedes Benz. The color was white and it was very big. They also had a white truck that said: “We Sell Ice Cream and Milk and We Will Deliver.” I began to think, “Was milk delivered back in the day?”  That must have been very convenient.  

My experience was very interesting because I learned a lot and also saw many things that I would have never imagined. At last, I got to be interviewed about my experience in Luray Caverns and I had a great time.  HOPE YOU GET TO GO SOON!!!!!!!!!!!

De’Asya Ford is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.