What’s In Store For The Simpsons In The Future?

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Story by Sydney Moore Image from FOX.

On September 30, 2018, the Simpsons, created by Matt Groening, went into its thirtieth season. The Simpsons first started off as a short on “The Tracey Ullman Show” in 1987. Two years later, they became their own show on the FOX network.

The Simpsons is known to be the longest running series since the show “Gunsmoke”. Currently, the television show is in its 661st episode. Throughout the years, the Simpsons has made episodes with celebrities like Michael Jackson, Lady Gaga and famous bands like The Who. They also have a movie and a few crossover episodes with popular shows like Family Guy, Rick and Morty and Futurama.

I have been watching the Simpsons ever since I was a baby and I really love them, but the past few seasons has not been very interesting to me. I mostly watch the episodes from the early season because the recent episodes seem like they are repeating over and over again.

Something the Simpsons can do to keep their seasons interesting is to go back to the way the animators used to make the show. In the first seasons, the plot of the show seemed to follow real-life situations and have some type of moral at the end. Now, it’s like the editors and producers took ideas from old episodes and remade them with a different scenario.

So for now, all of the Simpsons fans, including myself,  just have deal with the fact that the show is changing and hope that the producers will hire new people to keep the show running for another thirty years.

Sydney Moore is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.