Why Not Me? The Story of a Young Lady Who Prospered Despite Diabetes

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Story and picture by Mckenzie Tutt

JUN. 9, 2020: On December 17th of last year, my mom had to rush me to Children’s Hospital because I wasn’t feeling well. We were in the hospital for a very long time. I was very sleepy because we were there from 5pm to 7am the next morning. The doctor eventually told us that my sugar levels were very high and they ran a test to try and figure out the problem. I am 10 years so I didn’t know what he meant when he said that. Once they ran more tests, I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic. I was confused and questioned, “Wait, what... What is that? Mom what do they mean?” Here is what I learned…

Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (Glucose). With Type 2 Diabetes, the body either doesn't produce enough insulin, or it resists insulin.

This journey is very difficult for me. I’m tired of always being sick or in low spirits. I cry a lot because I’m tired of not feeling well. I always question, “Why me and I’m only 10 years old?” There’s always something going on with me and my health. I don’t think it’s fair! But my mom always tries to be motivating and make me think or look at the bigger picture so she questions, “Why not me?” And I often look at her with the side-eye. I have to prick my skin every morning when I wake up to check my sugar levels. I used to do it after dinner also but now it’s only one time a day. I now take big pills that I don’t like. It upsets my stomach sometimes. I have to give myself an injection because my sugar is high without it. Having sugar isn’t good for me.

I never understood why my mom would always say “Why not me? ”But, now I get it a little more because I’m fighting and able to show children as young as me who are dealing with health problems just how strong we truly are. Not everybody can battle such hardships and still be kind to others, make the honor roll, and find reasons to smile the way I do. Although I still feel overwhelmed and frustrated, being able to tell my story to motivate others makes me happy. This journey continues to make me stronger every day. Now that I’m embracing it more and dealing with it better, I know I got this!

In case you are wondering, I can eat everything that others eat. I just have to eat smaller amounts and drink lots of water. I’m 5 months in and I’m stronger than Diabetes! Why not me?

Mckenzie Tutt is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy.