Why Rap Music is Important for Students

Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from Google.com

DEC. 9, 2019: Although some are concerned with the influence of rap because of the profanity, slang, and violence it uses and speaks of, rap music is relatable music that many enjoy because it is catchy and heartfelt. 

The influence of rap is good because it helps students connect to famous people who go through the same struggles they face. One line from a rap that I can relate to is “When my grandma died, I had to beat the odds and it wasn’t easy,” by NBA Youngboy. I can relate to the lyrics in this rap song because when my grandmother died, although I stayed home from school for a couple of days, I still had to go back a day after the funeral. Going back to school was hard because I was sad and didn’t really have anyone to talk to. I also couldn’t focus and didn’t really feel like doing any work because I was thinking about my grandmother. However, I knew I had to do good in school because I wanted to make honor roll and even though my grandma wasn’t alive, I wanted to make her happy in Heaven. 

The catchy beats used in rap music helps get the attention of students and can actually help them to remember the lyrics. This is a good skill because in order to pass test and do good at in school, you have to remember different rules for subjects like math and writing and be motivated to be a great student. Rap music inspires some students to remix raps in order which can help them remember new things they learn at school or be motivated to try and do their best. Last year, the students and teachers at my school remixed different rap songs to encourage students to try their best and pass the PARCC test. 

Rap music is a great genre of music that students should listen to. It can motivate students to excel in school and be successful.

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade scholar at Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary.