Why Trump?

Story by Dionel Grice. Edited by Sean Beach. Photo from https://www.donaldjtrump.com.

MAY 12, 2017: How easy is it to become the president of The United States Of America? Today Donald J. Trump is the president of the U.S. He plans to do many things and from my point of view, I don’t think the things he has planned will benefit everyone.

Since he has become president, he has already ordered a missile strike on a Syrian airbase and angered a Korean ruler. When I first heard he was running for president, I felt as though it was a joke. If it is that easy to become president, then my little brother might as well become president.

Trump called for a “Muslim travel ban” as an executive order due to the recent terrorist activity going on in the U.S. I feel as though he doesn’t look at the big picture when it comes to things like that. He targets a small problem so he can look like he’s making a large impact to try to solve that small problem. While trying to solve those problems he starts a backlash and it’s becoming harder and harder to clean up after his mistakes and make America better. I hope he does better in trying to make America great. He has a lot of power and he has to use it wisely.

Dionel Grice is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.