Woodridge Celebrates Black History Month with HBCU DAY

Story by Janiya Rivera. Photos by Trinity Horton

FEB. 22, 2017: On Friday, February 17, 2017, the Woodridge staff and students celebrated HBCU Day! What does HBCU stand for? It stands for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. As a part of Black History Month, the day was filled with guest speakers who shared valuable information about attending a historically black college. Donald Hense, former CEO and founder of Friendship Public Charter School, talked about the importance of going to college and how Morehouse College in Atlanta, Georgia provided him with the tools for success in a supportive environment. Dr. Carr, a lawyer, and professor at Howard University shared information about Tennessee State University and how professors at HBCUs are caring. Also, the classes and extracurricular activities are tailored to African Americans.

Teachers and students sported their favorite college t-shirts, jackets, and hats. There were Greek fraternities and sororities in so many colors. Even the third grade team put on a step show inside their classrooms so students could get a taste of what it felt like to be a college campus.

Janiya Rivera and Trinity Horton are 5th grade students at Friendship Woodridge Academy.