Woodridge Scholars Doodle 4 Google

Story by Brionna Wiggins. Doodles by Ariya Bynum, Udonnem Igwe, Antonique Wilson and My’Ja Miller

Drawing for scholarships? Seems way too easy right? Well, that’s not the case for Google’s annual Doodle 4 Google contest. Each year, thousands of students compete with artsy sketches for a chance at amazing prizes. Here at Woodridge, students drew wonderful masterpieces depicting their perfect day. Then its just from our campus to Google Headquarters.

Out of all the submissions, ultimately only one can win. People can vote online for their favorites to move to the next level in the broader categories. After filtering out all the art, only 250 can move on. From there, its the 50 State finalists who continue. Then it’s the final five (one from each grade) and lastly, the grand winner. 

The winner receives not only prizes, but scholarship money and a grant for their school of choice.

For a SmartLab project, students had a week to draw their Doodles. Some used that time to sketch, color, and describe their drawing. Others waited until the date it was due in class to finish the entire paper. However, all the students given the assignment finished on-time with their Doodles, turning them in proudly. Copies of the students’ artwork now hang on the wall until the local winners are decided and have their original drawing sent to the competition.

Now, with all the creativity of the scholars work simply pouring from the pages, it’s simply the matter of judgment. Will the descriptions captivate the judges? Can the artwork amaze online voters? Who would win out of the entire country, and have their Google Doodle appear on the website? All we can do is wait and see…

Brionna Wiggins, Ariya Bynum, Udonnem Igwe, Antonique Wilson and My’Ja Milleris are 8th grade scholars at Friendship Woodridge Academy.