You Can Do Anything at Any Age

Story by Paris Dozier. Photo Courtesy of The New York Time.

APRIL 13, 2018: Have you heard of the 21 year old by the name of Sol who opened her own restaurant in Brooklyn, New York? Can you believe it? She’s only 21 and is an entrepreneur! That just proves you can do anything if you try, and believe in your dreams no matter how old you are.  Sol has named the restaurant “Sol Sips.”

Sol insists that the upper class aren’t the only people who can have wellness, healthy bodies, or be exposed to the healthiest foods. She is a really cool person to aspire to be like. So what do you think? Is this a restaurant you would like to see more of in your neighborhood? I know for many African American communities, there are not many healthy food options even though there are plenty of fast foods popping up everywhere. It is just great to hear that young people are eating smarter, greener, and cleaner. Do you agree with Sol?

Paris Dozier is a 3rd grade Scholar at Friendship International Academy.