George Zimmerman’s Plans to Sue Trayvon Martin's Family for $100 Million. How Rude!

Story by Zhiyah Anderson. Photo from the

JAN. 21. 2020: On February 26, 2012, twenty nine year old George Zimmerman shot and killed 17-year-old Trayvon Martin while he was just simply walking home from a corner store. Zimmerman  went to trial for Trayvon’s death on June 10, 2013 but all of the charges were later dropped on June 13, 2013. It has been seven years since Trayvon’s death and since the trial, Zimmerman has become a huge target in society and in the black community. 

On December 4, 2019, George Zimmerman, the man who took the life of this 17-year-old African American man and someone's son announced that he will sue the family of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman plans to sue both of Trayvon’s parents and his attorney for $100 million because he suggested that the evidence used against him in the trial, was false and the prosecutors who were a part of the trail staged a set up. He adds that the evidence used—like the phone calls from Trayvon’s phone—was wrong and the parties included were imposters who really had nothing to do with the murder or Trayvon. 

Some of the questions and concerns that have surfaced about the situation are, “Why now?” or “How dare he?” and one of my favorites, “Why does he think he can take something more from this family than he already has and why do it now?”

The death of Trayvon Martin will always be something that either stirs up controversy or unites people. What Zimmerman is trying to do to this family is sickening and he needs a wake up call. These are my thoughts on this situation, what are some of yours? 

Zhiyah Anderson is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy. 

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