Tech Prep FBLA Team Wins $4,000 Grant to Help Solve Mental Health Issues

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Story by R’Nasia Murphy. Photo from 

JAN. 22, 2020: Euphoria, the feeling or state of extreme happiness and excitement.

On November 13, 2019, Tech Prep’s Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) went to the Find Your Balance Challenge to find ways to help solve issues in our school and community. One of the many topics running through our minds was emotional health, which we think seems to be a prevalent problem in our community. Many students at Tech Prep are going through a lot of things at home, and sometimes their attendance and grades suffer because of it. Through the Find Your Balance Challenge we won a $4,000 grant to create an app and a safe space to help Tech Prep students, and hopefully, students around D.C. handle their emotional health issues. 

Euphoria is an app that students can log into anonymously and talk about issues and things they are going through. Through the app, students can talk to national hotlines, guidance counselors, and people who have been through and/or are experiencing emotional health now. This gives the student a safe way to talk to and confide in others. 

Also, at Tech Prep we will be creating a safe space called the Euphoria Room for students who may be dealing with those emotional health issues during school or just needs a break. 

The FBLA team hopes that students use this to learn how to deal with emotional health and get help from others.

R’Nasia Murphy is an 11th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.