Larry Graham Performs for Concerts for Causes

Story by Jerell King. Photo from

JAN. 6, 2017: On November 30th, Legendary bass player Larry Graham performed at the Stratford Auditorium in honor of Concerts for Causes. Dionel Grice, Jewel Lake and I had the honor of attending this concert. We also received new instruments from Concerts for Causes on stage. But, if it wasn't for Tech Prep’s very own band instructor Dr. Keith Killgo, we would not have been able to attend this amazing event.

This experience was very special for me and my fellow band members. The fact that we were able to get onstage and receive an amazing award, along with the recognition and shoutouts from our band instructor that came with it was pretty cool. We also enjoyed the amazing performance that the legendary Larry Graham put on—as well as seeing how the great musicians played.

Jerell King is a 9th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.