Biggest Games of 2017

Story By Braylon Wims. Photos courtesy of GameStop.                          

OCT. 18, 2017: Do you know what the top three games of the year are so far? Gamestop has just released a list of the most popular games. And there are even more scheduled to come out later this month.

One of the top three games worthy of people paying their hard-earned money for, is Cuphead for the Xbox 1. In this game, the main character along with his best friend, Mugman, has made a deal with the devil. The entire game goes through a series of battles to repay the devil by beating bosses in different areas. It is an amazing game that I would recommend anyone playing at least once. However, I’m warning you that the “Rage” is real.

The second most popular game is Madden 18. It has some of the most amazing graphics such as realistic looking players that are spitting images of humans. It’s like playing in a virtual reality game that has the player sucked into another world. This game is fun to play on the computer, PS4, and Xbox 1 if you like competition. This game is also the best because it has one of the top quarterbacks in the NFL—The The New England Patriots’ Tom Brady.

And lastly, one of the most hyped games of them all. This game has all of the young kids “totally lit” and it’s called Injustice 2. This game is popular because the heroes fight against each other on two different sides. One is Batman’s side, and the other side is Superman’s. Depending on which side the player chooses, the ending will be totally different.

As you can see, the top three games are all major exciting and cool! I’m wondering which game will be chosen as 2017 Game of the Year.

Braylon Wims is a 7th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International Academy.