Marching Titans Support Georgetown Football Team

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Story by Jerell King.

DEC. 11,2017: On Saturday, November 18th, the Tech Prep Marching Titans Band took a trip to Georgetown University to support the Georgetown Football Team at Cooper Field. We performed in the stands throughout the game to support the football team. We also played for the halftime show on center field to provide some entertainment to all of the Hoyas fans. This is the first time in about a year we have performed at a Georgetown football game, and it felt great. Even though the Hoyas didn't come out with the win, we still supported the team all the way through.

I feel as though this was a great experience for our band’s future performances. This was the first experience at a major game for some of our new members and they did a pretty good job. Since we will be on other stages as big or even bigger than this, this was a good first taste of the experience of performing for a large crowd. Nonetheless, we all did great and all of the Hoyas fans at Cooper Field can agree that the Marching Titans represented Georgetown right.

Jerell King is a 10th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.