Lighting in Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela!

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Story by Victoria Ekanem, 5th grade FNN reporter, Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary. Photo from Google.

Ahh! Lighting! At Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, there is a lot of lighting and people like taking pictures of the lighting. 

Lake Maracaibo is one of the world's richest and most centrally placed regions. Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela gets a lot of lighting because warm air from the Caribbean meets the cold air from the mountains, creating the perfect conditions for lightning.

Lake Maracaibo acts as an important shipping route to the ports of Maracaibo and Cabimas. I wouldn’t want to go to Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela because I wouldn’t want to be struck by lightning. And that probably hurts a lot. I would recommend it for people who like taking pictures.