Seeing a Cuttlefish in San Lawrenz, Malta

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Story by Victoria Ekanem, 5th grade FNN reporter, Friendship Blow Pierce Elementary. Photo from Google.

Woah, Look at that! Today, I saw a cuttlefish in San Lawrenz, Malta. It looks kind of weird, but it's super cool. 

What makes it look kind of weird is its shape. The cuttlefish is related to the slug and it kind of resembles a slug a little bit, but one that lives underwater. What makes the cuttlefish cool is that it changes color and shape to get it’s prey. It changes its color based on its surroundings. 

For example, If the cuttlefish was by some brown plants, it would change its shape and color to camouflage itself to match the plants. Many people go underwater to see this fish! I really like this fish because it’s not like any other fish we have discussed. I would recommend this to anyone who likes fish and enjoys seeing them.