The Boom Behind 9/11

Story by Dionel Grice and La’Rai Sampson. Photos by Sa’Mia Plowden.

FNN Tech Prep Bureau: On July 24, 2014, the FNN news team at Friendship Tech Prep and Friendship Southeast went to the FBI Education Center located on the corner of 9th Street and Pennsylvania Ave in Washington, DC. When we were there we found out more about the BOOM behind 9/11 or rather the real reason behind 9/11.

We learned that the terrorists who committed the crime who were Muslims changed their bible, The Koran. In their version, it said they should kill! This was not part of the real Koran. So, the guy who changed the Koran sent messages to people with his belief and they made a plan. 


The plan was to hit the White House, but luckily for the president that did not happen. Instead the men hijacked and flew a plane into the Twin Towers of New York City.  There was also a strike right in our backyard. Can you believe they struck the Pentagon Building right here in Arlington, Virginia?

During the time of the FBI investigation, they (FBI agents) found the hijackers’ car and found pieces of evidence that showed the plans they had to do all 4 of the 9/11 strikes.

We hope this will never occur again.

Dionel Grice, Sa’Mia Plowden and La’Rai Sampson Jr. are students at Friendship Southeast Academy...soon-to-be 6th grade scholars at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.