A Fall from Grace: Pros and Cons

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Movie Review by Jaslene Barnes. Photo courtesy of Black Film. 

FEB. 3, 2020: Did you enjoy the movie, A Fall from Grace? I have heard very different opinions on the movie. Some loved it while others hated it. After watching the movie, I will be talking about the pros and cons of A Fall from Grace. Warning: this article contains spoilers. 


Our first pro is the way the movie starts. We start the movie with the main character, Grace in jail, and from there viewers were taken back in time to see what got her there. This makes the story interesting. Another pro was the plot twist, because it turned out that Grace's husband was still alive even though in the movie it looked like she beat him to death. I really did not expect this when watching the movie. 


Our first con is Tyler Perry’s character. His role as Grace’s supervisor was unrealistic, because he was always bringing her down. He should have been bringing her up. Other people also thought it could be more realistic, because Grace’s husband shouldn’t have been able to take a loan out on their house and get money out of a bank with her password in a matter of days. Another con was the wigs, because they looked unrealistic on the actors which made it hard to take them seriously.

In conclusion, this movie is about 50/50 in my opinion, because of the wigs and unrealistic character choices, but I did enjoy the plot twist. I recommend you watch this movie if you like Tyler Perry films and decide for yourself! 

Jaslene Barnes is a 6th grade scholar and Friendship Woodridge International School.