Abortions Are Healthcare!

Story by Janira Yelverton.  Photo by CalMatters.

On September 21, 2021, Governor Abbott of Texas signed a bill, that banned any person from providing an abortion to a pregnant woman without meeting new consent requirements for abortions. This includes banning abortions for any woman when a fetal heartbeat can be detected as early as six weeks into pregnancy before most women even know they’re pregnant.

Women are fighting for the right to do what they want with their bodies! Their choice of whether or not to bring life into this world is being taken away and forced upon them. All across the United States people are fighting to keep abortions legal for the women who need them. We need to fight for these basic human rights for women!

Abortion is a topic that is very prevalent in today’s society. There are a lot of new rules and bills that are being made to stop women from getting abortions. 

Right now the rate of unsafe abortions is 1/270, which is considerably low for the rate of kids being born each year. But imagine how much that number is going to go up if safe abortions became illegal. For instance, around 45% of induced abortions are unsafe in developing countries due to the fact that abortions are taboo.

The solution to this problem is very simple, and that is to just keep abortions legal. If abortions are the problem, then governments should create systems so that women have more options.

If abortions became illegal, then the rate of unsafe abortions would go up. This could mean both the mother and the fetus could die in the process. If abortions stayed legal then the women who want to have an abortion can do it safely. That lessens the amount of unnecessary death if a woman’s only choice is to have an unsafe abortion.

This will be a long hard fight for abortions to continue to be legal. Joining protests and signing petitions like this one by Christy Christmas, who wants the Texas abortion law to be abolished, are a great start to solving this problem.  

Janira Yelverton is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.