Amonshae Price and Walique Branch Elected SGA President and Vice President

Story and Photos by Walique Branch

From September 12th, through September 23rd, SGA President Amonshae Price and I, Walique Branch, vice-president for SGA campaigned to be SGA officers. We put up posters around the school, gave students and teachers buttons, posted on our social media sites and socialized around the school to convince our classmates that we were responsible enough and have the ability to represent Friendship Collegiate Academy.
Student Government Association (SGA) is an association that gives students the say-so about what’s going on around school. It also promotes a greater degree of unity, respect, spirit, and cooperation among students, faculty, staff and administration. I decided to  join SGA because since my ninth grade year I have been inconspicuously taking notes to prove that students never have a say in the activities that they participate in. I also joined SGA because as a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy, I want to speak for the entire student body as a voice regarding senior class activities. Once Amonshae and I were elected, the students were filled with excitement and joy.
Now that I am vice president, I plan on speaking for the students and getting their voices heard in front of the teachers and administration. I will also try to get more events and field trips for the students.
Walique Branch is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.