Back To School Hairstyles

Story by Nijah Ford with assistance from Queonah Monts. Photo by De’Asya Ford.

APRIL 4, 2017: Hairstyles make us look pretty and unique. Cornrows and braids are very famous hairstyles that last for a long time because they can be big or small. Braids come in many ways, shapes, and sizes. Braids can be in many different designs. Hairstyles on little kids do not always have to contain fake hair. If girl’s or boy’s hair is too short, they can always go to the beauty salon or the beauty supply store to get some “Baby Don’t Be Bald” which is a type of grease that makes your hair grow. When I grow up, I plan to be a beautician because I love doing hair. Growing up in a household with all woman, it was in my blood to do hair. I was always asked, “What did I want to be when I grow up?” I would always answer so confident, “a beautician” because I love making people feel beautiful.

Nijah Ford and Queonah Monts are 5th grade scholars at Friendship Blow Pierce Academy