Battle of the Chicken Sandwiches

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Story by Nataleigh Jackson. Photo from USAToday. 

OCT 18, 2019: The topic of chicken sandwiches hasn’t really sparked much conversation until Popeyes began promoting their chicken sandwiches. The conversation started on Twitter. Chick-fil-a tweeted “Bun + Chicken + Pickle = Love”. Since Popeyes was already promoting their sandwich they replied to Chick-fil-a with “y’all good?”. That’s when the great debate happened. Who has the better chicken sandwich: Chick-fil-a or Popeyes?

Popeyes sandwiches sold out FAST! People waited in line for hours just to get a sandwich. Most Popeyes have a sign up now that says “Chicken back soon.” This gave Chick-fil-A an advantage. Chick-fil-a is known for their amazing customer service. From running after cars who left their food to saying, “My pleasure,” to every customer, Chick-fil-a has a good reputation. When Popeyes sandwiches sold out, people began to say Chick-fil-A would never sell out of chicken sandwiches since that’s basically their most popular menu item.

I myself am a big fan of Chick-fil-A. My favorite line is, “I want a number two from Chick, Chick, Polynesian sauce and a frosted lemonade”. On the other hand, Popeyes fries are amazing. Their chicken is just very greasy. Chick-fil-a will always be the best in my eyes.

What’s your favorite chicken sandwich? Tell us why in the comment section below. The person who writes the best comment will win the sandwich of their choice. 

Nataleigh Jackson is a junior at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.