Choosing My College

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By R’Nasia Murphy. Photo By

OCT. 15, 2019: Choosing a college, by default, is one of the hardest things for our generation. For many students, it’s challenging because the college you choose will be the place you live for the next four or so years. There are many factors that go into choosing a college–location, distance from home, city or countryside, HBCU or PWI, tuition, student body population, majors and minors, reputation, scholarships, and financial aid. There’s a long list of factors and it takes a long time for most students to settle on a list of top five school choices.`

Personally, I want a college that’s twenty thousand dollars or less a year, with a business school that has a good rating, and that’s about four hours away.  I also love a challenge, so I’d like the school to have a low acceptance rate of fifty percent or less. Some of the colleges that I’m considering are the University of Georgia, SUNY at Binghamton, University of Wisconsin, University of Virginia and finally, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor. Most of these options are pretty far away, though I like most of them. I think when I chose these colleges, I’ll focus more on cost than anything else.

College is important, but not for everyone. If you do want to attend college, you should consider talking to your school’s guidance counselor and doing some research on your own. 

R’Nasia Murphy is a junior in Friendship Technology Preparatory Academy.