Chop It Up and Toss It: A New Take on School Lunches

Story and photo by Miracle Day.

March 17, 2015: For some time now, there have been many complaints about school lunch. I say, “What’s all the fuss really about?”  If you don’t like what they are serving, then pack your own lunch at home and eat what you like. But, to be honest, many kids don’t have it like that. Their parents are sending them to school to learn and be served a breakfast and lunch daily. Since 2010, First Lady Michelle Obama has promoted this “Healthy Kids” school lunch initiative to help schools serve nutritious meals during the day. Because so many students are overweight, having healthier options are necessary at this time.

Well, who want to eat healthy food anyway? When you think about it, vegetables and a protein are something your parents serve for dinner and not what children want to be forced to eat at school. But, just this year, Woodridge has been serving up some delicious tasting salads that have everyone standing in line to receive. Think of fruit in salads that make them less intimidating to young children. On some days the ladies in the cafeteria put together a salad of romaine lettuce, shredded cheese, tomatoes, cucumbers, hard boiled eggs, and croutons. To top it off, there is a choice of Ranch, Caesar, Italian, and vinaigrette. Everyone’s so excited, and there are little to no complaints about the lunches anymore. Sometimes there are even small packages of grapes and sliced apples you can toss on top. I have even noticed some of my classmates bringing in their own almonds and nuts to put a little spin or twist on top.

I say, “CHEERS to healthy lunches.” If the school is going to serve up salads that everyone loves, then I agree with it 100%. At first, all of this healthy stuff was going in the trash can in schools across America. It tastes like vomit,” one school board member declared to the New York Times at a contentious board meeting. Well, not anymore! Today, we’re eating good—chomping on fresh salads and it’s delicious!

Miracle Day is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.