FCA Award Ceremony

Story by Delondre Morton. Photos by Tyron Coulter and Delondre Morton.

March 16, 2015: On Tuesday February 24, 2015, Friendship Collegiate Academy had its first semester awards ceremony. It took place in the auditorium at 6 pm. In order to get an award, students had to get a 3.0 GPA or higher. The ceremony was run by Mr. Christian Schaefer and Ms. Cherice Greene. During the event there was a short performance of the play “A Raisin in the Sun”. FCA’s marching band performed a jazz selection. Asia Watson sang “The Greatest Love Of All”.

Award winners were Corde Fitzhugh, Chloe J. Moore, and Jamila Jones who recieved the Cum Laude Award (3.0 - 3.49 GPA). Javon M. Lee, Isaiah G. Lipscombe, Janae T. Purnell, 

and Michael Davis won the Magna Cum Laude Award (3.5 - 3.74 GPA).  Aaron Walker, Mark Walker and Korey J. Carter received the Summa Cum Laude Award (3.75 - 3.99 GPA).  Finally, Head Principal Mrs. Peggy Jones has her own list of students: Jay Cammon Jr., Angel Cheeks, Kierra Green, Chauncey Moore, Keshawn J. Murphy and Brittany Young, These students received a 4.0 or higher.

Special awards winners included Delondre A. Morton, Antonio Ausbon, Jonathan Lewis and Donnell Harris who won the Perfect Attendance Award. Devon Tucker, Crystal Johnson, and Demani Carter won the Rising Star Award for having good improvement in grades. Zoria Lewis, Telarie Bridgeford and Laureen Chalmers won the Guiding Light Award. Ashley James and Markeisha Lee won the Core Values Award. Asia Willis and Keshawn Murphy won the Most Improved Award.  Andrea Morton and Arianna Moore  won the Most Outstanding Award. There are more students not mentioned here who won these awards.

Great job scholars on getting honor roll and other awards. Keep your grades up so you can get honor roll all the time and get into great colleges. 

Delondre Morton is a 9th grade scholar at Friendship Collegiate Academy.