Congrats To The FCA Senior Superlative Winners

News Brief By Benji Mallory. Pictures By: The FNN Team

On April 19, 2022, many senior superlative awards were give for the FCA Senior Superlative Awards. There were many  performances with a lot of talent from 9th all the way to 11th graders with a special guest performance from the Royal Rule Dance Team. This is just one of the last events for seniors before they graduate on May 26th. Our hosts were history teacher Mr.Richardson and fellow student Braylon Wims. Everyone who planned and also participated in this event did their part well, especially the seniors. Congratulations to all the seniors who received awards last night.   

Student Awards:

Best Smile: Cherokee Brown  

Most Hilarious: Skylar Kenndy and James McCoy 

Most Athletic: Elena Houghon and Josiah Thomas 

Most Fashionable: Charene Hawkins and James McCoy 

Most Likely To Succeed: Amija Coleman and Adul-Rasheed Flythe 

Most School Spirit: Skylar Kenndy and James McCoy 

Most Talented: Jensis Massenburg and Myles Washington  

Cutest Couple: Devin Knight and Me’ilan  

Best Friends: James McCoy and Dionna Long 

Biggest Drama King & Queen: Rashard Baten and Dymond Johnson

Class Brain: Amija Coleman and Abdul-Rasheed Flythe 

Best Hair: Demi Donaldson 

Most Out-Going: J’khya Jordan and Tarmin O’Neal 

Most Likely To Be A Celebrity: Noni Carter and James McCoy 

Most Artistic: Jayla Nickens and Karna Minor 

Most Well-Rounded: Amija Coleman and Karon Minor  

Teacher Awards: 

Best Dressed Staff: Mr.Lewis and Ms.Williams 

Great Teacher, But Will Fail You: Senorita Wallace and Mr.Blood 

Staff Most Likely To Give You A Lecture: Mrs.Bhasin and Mr.Blood 

Benji Mallory is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.