Six Healthy Habits The Average Student Could Use

Story by Paris Dozier and Serenity Bussey. Photos courtesy of Vecteezy.

We all know how stressful school can be, and sometimes burnout feels inevitable. But, what we as young adults don’t always know are ways to help manage that stress. We’re sure you’ve heard of common solutions, such as taking a few deep breaths, counting to one hundred, putting your head down for a few moments—but are there other ways to help you mentally prepare to take on the day? Here are some mental habits that we think students should be taught at school.


Paris: Journaling is atmospheric to me. To be journaling with slow music playing or rain falling while it’s dark is heaven on earth. It also helps me to write in my journal like I’m writing to someone else. Not only does it feel like I’m getting something off my chest and venting to someone else, but it makes the writing more fun. Obviously I know how I feel but do the fourth wall readers? I need to explain it to them.

Serenity: I started journaling when I was about 10 and it’s grown to be in the top three of things I do when I’m feeling down. Now, you don’t have to write a full page’s worth of writing for it to be considered journaling. You can write whatever your heart desires and that's what I like most about this method. Some people write entries, others write in bullet points but no matter what or how you write in a journal it’s still a way to let everything that’s bottled up in your mind out.


Paris: I love crystals. I think it’s a nice way to feel your progress and mood materialized. Like, when I want to feel more confident or motivated for the day I will carry Carnelian or Red Jasper. When I don’t feel as confident or motivated throughout the day I can hold them in my hands to remind me of my goal of how I want to feel and I can feel my mood change. And an added bonus is that they’re super pretty.

Serenity: I’m not the biggest crystal person on the planet but for the few that I do own they’ve worked exceptionally well. I find that the best days with little to no interruptions happen when I’m either wearing my crystal bracelet, my evil eye necklace, or just setting intentions for the beginning of the day.

“Spring Cleaning”:

Paris: Spring Cleaning is refreshing. I’m a person who is all for rebranding and refreshing myself so spring cleaning just comes with the territory. It’s about that time of year now so I am changing my room’s theme a bit and refreshing my wardrobe. I’m super excited for that!

Serenity: Spring cleaning, my favorite. Cleaning is something my mind always jumps to when I’m thinking of the bright weather. But not just cleaning the areas I work in, but my mind as well. One way I clean my mind is by focusing on what might be bothering me in that moment and think about why it's bothering me and what can I do for myself to fix it. This especially works in times when I’m procrastinating on something. 


Paris: My mom is a poet and my dad wrote an unpublished book. It’s no surprise that I’m a writer. In my life I want to publish (at least) a book of poems, a narrative story, and an autobiography of my life story. Writing is something cool that I think I could do as some sort of career one day.


Paris: I’ve accidentally conditioned myself as far as music goes. I enjoy listening to music, around the time the sun goes/is going down, with my headphones in, while I’m in the car with somebody else's music playing through the car speakers. These things all come together to create the perfect car music atmosphere. It’s one of my top five favorite things to do ever.

Serenity: Music has always been a great comfort to me. You can find songs that fit whatever you’re going through down to a T. And that’s exactly what I’d recommend. Because if you find a song that you can relate to, it lets you know that you’re not alone and that you’re not the only one experiencing it. So go out and listen to as many sad songs as you’d like to let it all out but don’t forget to play some of your favorites to help cheer you up.


Paris: Peaceful, solitary, silence is sometimes all you need. Try it sometimes.

Serenity: Meditation is not something I practice in my everyday life. But still, it’s something that has always helped me when I’ve done it. It has many benefits such as building one’s attention span, letting go of any negative energy in or surrounding you, and it’s also a way to just take a break before doing anything else. Meditation is definitely something I want to incorporate into my everyday life and I believe it’ll bring great spirits to anyone who tries it.

I’m not going to lie, it’s hard out here. Whether you’re in middle school, college, a working adult, or none of the above, that reigns true. However, in writing this, Serenity and I hope to share some of our healthy coping mechanisms for anybody who wants to to try. Who knows, maybe it will do some good for you.

Paris Dozier and Serenity Bussey are 7th grade scholars at Friendship Woodridge International School.