Could Trump Finally Be Put Out of Office?

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Story by Zhiyah Anderson. Photo from

MAR. 18, 2019: We all know that our current President Donald Trump is a piece of work especially because of the power he has.

Ever since he became the 45th President of the United States, we have wanted him out of office, but can our wishes finally come true? Donald Trump has already been in office for two years but sooner or later, based on all of the evidence against him, he may become less of an issue for us.

Impeachment may become the first step to get what we want because of the recent testimony from Michael Cohen who was Trump’s lawyer. It came to the public’s attention because it has been recently discovered that Michael Cohen was the one who paid Stormy Daniels, a porn star, to keep quiet about her sexual relationship with Donald Trump. If the details of this scandal had come out during Trump’s campaign it could’ve potentially made him ineligible for the position of the 45th president of the United States because he lied and cheated his way into winning the election and taking Congress.

Michael Cohen now faces three years in prison for lying to Congress, which is against the law.

When Michael got caught he also came out and confessed many other things Trump did. This caused more problems for Michael because since he is Trump's lawyer, he is actually not supposed to discuss anything about his clients. If proven true, this is a huge scandal that could affects Trump’s presidency.

Do you want Trump to be impeached? Why or why not? What are your thoughts on this matter? Leave your comments below.

Zhiyah Anderson is a 10th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.