Friendship Blue Belles and Beaus Attend DMV Powerhouse Competition

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Story by Asia Ferrell. Photo from FTPA Blue Belles Instagram.

MAR. 15, 2019: On February 12, 2019, the Friendship Tech Prep Blue Belles had their first competition of the year which was a great opportunity and experience. Leading up to that day they had many obstacles to face, but that didn’t stop them from winning.

Some of the cheerleaders had some injuries that affected the number of cheerleaders who performed. The Blue Belles were really looking forward to seeing the other cheer teams that they always see on Instagram.

There were many disagreements and arguments between the cheerleaders but we had to listen to each comment from team members and our coaches to make the team routine better than before. They had to juggle school work and home games for the basketball team while practicing for the cheer competition.

You may not know, but this was my first competition. Even with my injury, I was part of the opening part and I really felt that I displayed myself well. During the routine there was a lot of mess ups but there are always mess-ups in order to fix mistakes.

The Blue Belles took home multiple trophies and had smiles on their faces because we have only been only doing this for two years. At the end of the day I think that being on the cheer team can push you out of your comfort zone which can really be helpful in the future.

Asia Ferrell is a 10th grade grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.