FCA Family Honors A Fallen Knight, Cory Ings

Photos by Vivian Onyeka-Ben and Dezirae Gross. Story by Ja’Niyah Berry.

APR. 19, 2021: On February 18, 2021, our fellow Knight Cory Ings passed away but we still honor him and always will. Cory was more than just a student aid; he was a friend, mentor, coach, and even family. He took many scholars under his wing and made everyone feel special and confident in their own ways. 

A candlelight vigil was held in honor of Cory on March 13th. The vigil was an emotional yet harmonious experience for all of the FCA Knights and Cory's family. As everyone knew he was off to a better place. During the vigil, friends and family shared memories of Cory, along with a dance tribute from the FCA Marching Knights. It concluded with a candlelit prayer and balloon release. 

Cory will always be remembered as a shining spirit who could make anyone's day brighter. Our love and deepest condolences go out to Cory’s family. Rest In Power Cory Ings. 

Desirae Gross is a Sophomore at Friendship Collegiate Academy.

Vivian Onyeka-Ben and Ja’Niyah Berry are Seniors at Friendship Collegiate Academy.