FCA Scholars Travel Back In Time At National Great Blacks in Wax Museum

Photo Essay by Ronald Womack 

MAR. 3, 2020: On February 25, 2020, Mrs. Fatmata Zulu took her students on a tour of The National Great Blacks in Wax Museum in Baltimore to learn about black history. In the museum, students experienced African Americans’ struggles and successes. I personally felt the struggle that blacks went through as we traveled through the museum. I felt all of the hardships that African Americans went through over the years and how they had to overcome one obstacle just to hit another right behind it. If you are into history or are curious in general, this is a great museum to visit. I guarantee that you will learn some new things that you didn’t know were true. For example, I learned about how two white men hung a pregnant lady put cats inside her stomach and sewed it back up to see which one would eat their way out first.

Ronald Womack is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.