Woodridge’s Girls Basketball and Cheerleaders Win Championships

Story by Kayla Adames. Photos courtesy of Woodridge FPCS Instagram.

MAR.9, 2020: Here at Woodridge all we do is win, win, win—no matter what! If you don’t believe me, just look at the big trophies in our main office and the huge banners in our gym. Our Woodridge Lady Eagles ended their season as the PCSAA Middle School Champions, while our Eagle Cheerleaders placed first in the Cheer Starz All Starz competition. These girls definitely deserve their wins after all their hard work this season, and Woodrige fans went crazy when they won the championship. I decided to ask some basketball players and cheerleaders how they feel about this amazing win and achievement. 

“I feel like we deserve it,” said basketball player and 5th grader Christian Outten. Her teammate and 7th grade scholar, Eliana Adames, agrees, stating, “I believe we are the best team.” And they really do deserve this win after all their hard work during practices and games. How did they do this? They had practice almost every day, making them more than ready to win the championships. Also, they won about 11 games during their regular season games. Go team! 

Woodridge cheerleaders also worked hard to secure their big win. Khalsa Johnson, a cheerleader who helped take her team to victory said, “I went to practice. I practiced a lot at the gym and at school. I also had a lot of rest for the big game!”

Just like John Maxwell famously said, “teamwork makes the dream work,” and that’s exactly what happened with our Woodridge Eagles basketball and cheerleading teams. Woodridge Eagles always soar! 

Kayla Adames is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International School.