Flying Like a Bird in Italy

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Story by Marquise Wade. Picture from

Hello Readers!

AUG 13, 2020: This week is truly a week of facing fears and being brave. You are not going to believe where I went and what I did today. Remember yesterday I told you all that I was scared of heights, right? Well today, I’m back near the sky at the Dolomite Mountains in Italy and guess what?  I’m training with some air pilots and we have to jump from a cliff in a “Line of Sight”. Sounds scary, right? Well, it was! It was incredibly scary. The only reason I felt slightly okay is because I was training with somebody who had been doing this for 10 years. 

I was so nervous to take the first leap from 1,000 feet above ground, but I did, it felt like I was on a rollercoaster at Six Flags. Although I would never take this big jump again, flying high in the sky as a wingsuit test pilot was a heartbeat-skipping, but fun experience. 

Marquise Wade is a 4th grade scholar at FPCS Blow Pierce.