I Explored the Ocean for Cuttlefish

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Story by Shyann Jackson. Picture of a Cuttlefish.

AUG 13, 2020: Who knew cuttlefish could hypnotize their prey? I found that out at a research clinic. But right after I scuba dived of course! 

Cuttlefish ambush their prey. And they do this by hypnotizing them. And yes, I said hypnotizing! So what they do is they change the color of their skin while the prey watches. And because of that, it causes the prey to go into paralysis. While the prey is stopped in its tracks the cuttlefish quickly catches its prey with its tentacles and its razor-sharpbeak.

Now I know that the cuttlefish is one of the most talented creatures of the sea!

Shyann Jackson is a 5th grade scholar at Friendship Chamberlain Elementary.