Friendship Tech Prep Male-Female Forum

Story and Photos by Sean Beach.

MARCH 22, 2017: On Friday, March 10, 2017, Friendship Tech Prep hosted a Male-Female Forum on responsibility and respect which are two of Friendship’s core values. We had many guests from places such as Sasha Bruce and the Metropolitan Police Department. These people spoke about the importance of safety, respecting parents, and respecting yourself. All of the people came from either Northeast or Southeast Washington, DC. They grew up in the same place that we are growing up and had gone through much more than we are going through. One of the police officers is from Northeast, Washington, DC. He had many friends that tried to get him to sell drugs including marijuana and PCP but he always refused to do it.

Now they have great jobs helping the community and people who can use the help. The people who came are police officers and social workers.To me, all of them were role models because they are showing African-American children that they can do more than just sit on the corners selling themselves and drugs. These people are really inspiring and I hope they will come again.

Sean Beach is an 8th grade scholar at Friendship Tech Prep Academy.