From FCA To The United States Naval Academy

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Story by Vaughn Taylor. Photo by Wild Apricot.

MAY 11, 2017: In the Fall of 2017, I will be attending the United States Naval Academy on a football scholarship. I chose to attend the academy not only to fulfill my dream of being a division one football player but to also support my family as I continue to get older. By attending the Naval Academy I am put in the best position possible as I approach manhood. The United States Naval Academy is a family and that's exactly what I was looking for in a school when I made my decision.

I am honored to be in this position because the Naval Academy is a very prestigious institution. As I come closer to enrolling in school, I will have to go through a number of changes both physical and mental. My hair that I have had since I was five years old will be cut off this July and I will have to whip my body into the best shape it has ever been in. Mentally, I will need to continue to persevere, but my determination has to be at an all time high, because I know I will be faced with a number of challenges as I start to participate in both football and service activities such as the training I will have to undergo when I arrive on campus.

The Naval Academy struck my interest because of the greater chance I had to be successful. I am a person who expects nothing but the best for myself and I feel as though the Naval Academy can transform me into the best version of me. I've been to the Naval Academy once before. While on a college tour, I had the opportunity of attending the institution and I just appreciated how professional and focused everyone was. Another reason the Naval Academy struck my interest was because of the opportunity it presents for me to be able to not only take care of myself but also future family.

Vaughn Taylor is a senior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.