The 2017 Power of Words Performances!

Story by Anyeh Washington. Photo by David Yanez.

MAY 12, 2017: FEBRUARY 28th, 2017, Friendship Armstrong Academy: Today you are going to be reading about the 2017 Black History Month performances at Friendship Armstrong Academy and about the early childhood performance called “The Power of Words”. The students performed the celebration of “The Power of Words” to celebrate Black History Month and what it means to them and how we can remember the African-Americans from our history. The performances happened on Tuesday, at 9 am. The entire school watched the little kids perform and I think that every class did a great job on their performances.

The pre-k and kindergarten classes participated in an important performance. It talked about how Black History Month is much more than just the history of slavery. It made me wonder why people talk only about slavery since that is not the true meaning of Black History Month. It’s also more than just civil rights! Black History Month should be about celebrating African-American history, culture, and accomplishments, which still continue today.

My favorite performance was “My People” by Langston Hughes, performed by Ms. Key-Curry and Ms. Hart’s Kindergarten class. All the other ones were good too because they talked about how you should treat a person and you how should see a person for who they are, as African-Americans who helped us become who we are today.

I always wondered why people think that Black History Month is about slavery because there’s so much other stuff that African-Americans have done for this country. The performances were evidence of this because so many of them were poems, songs, and art from black artists, musicians, and poets.

All the performances gave us a lot to think about and were good performances.

Anyeh Washington is a 4th grade scholar at Friendship Armstrong Academy.