Helping Children in Haiti from Earthquake: Our fundraiser kickoff meeting to donate to schools in Haiti.

To find out how you can help, watch the video!

By Reniya Foreman, Brianna Knott, Tyree Jones, Caitlyn Bullock, Mikayla Decker, Jaliyah Basil.  Photo by Timothy Washington

February 27, 2015: In 2010, Haiti was hit by a enormous earthquake. Some children lost their homes and schools. We got involved when Carline Brice came to our school to tell us about HAVSERVE.

HAVSERVE is a volunteer service network that provides clothes, food, supplies, money, shelter, and backpacks. HAVSERVE helps kids in need because their island was destroyed. We feel awful that children our age can’t get the right education they need to succeed. We feel glad that we’re going to help kids in need. We feel horrible because some people of Haiti lost everything.

We are going to have a fundraiser. We are going to donate supplies for school and for their health. CAN YOU ASK some people in your family for 10 dollars to help kids in HAITI? Starting April 1st, they can bring the money to our teacher Mrs.Wright.


Reniya Foreman, Brianna Knott, Tyree Jones, Caitlyn Bullock, Mikayla Decker, Jaliyah Basil, and Timothy Washington are 3rd grade scholars at Friendship Southeast Elementary Academy.