How to be a Friendship News Writer

Story by Serenity Bussey. Photo courtesy of Paris Dozier.

MARCH 26, 2018: Do you know how to write an article, I mean, a really good story?  Well, if you do not, this article will help you to do just that.

First, you’ll need to come up with an eye-catching photo and headline that will grab people’s attention. Second, you will need to tell who’s writing the story and cite any sources used to gather the information.  It is important to take your own pictures or give credit to the photographer who has taken the photo.

After that, you need to write evidence that supports what you’re trying to say or explain. At the end of my stories, I try to summarize what I have just written. Also, I leave the readers with a question or idea to get them thinking and to see their point of view. You never want to copy word for word anyone’s work because that’s definitely stealing! That’s all you need to do. I hope you start writing soon!

Serenity Bussey is a 3rd grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge International Charter School.