Elementary Basketball Team Clean Sweep

Story by Braylon Wims. Photo by Jerel Lomax. Story by Braylon Wims. Photo by Jerel Lomax.

MARCH 26, 2018: Congratulations to the Woodridge Eagles’ Co-ed elementary basketball team. On Tuesday the Elementary Eagles finished their undefeated season 14-0 by winning the FEAA Championship. The Woodridge Eagles beat Blow Pierce Knights 21-14. This is the second year Woodridge has coached an elementary basketball team.

The team is coached by Mr. Ward and a parent volunteer Mr. Jerry. Both coaches worked really hard to get the team to learn how to share the ball and work together. Mr. Ward was asked what made this team so special and he said, “Each one of my players knew what their role is. They are never overwhelmed with doing too much, so giving them a specific job is a key to getting as a team.”

Well, this year everyone soared on the court and the Eagles brought a huge trophy home to show off their hard work. The team only has one female player and nine male players, all who worked hard to win the FEAA Championship. Way to go Eagles!

Braylon Wims is a 7th grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.