Creative Writing at Its Best

Story and photos by Paris Dozier.

MARCH 26, 2018: This month the 3rd and 4th grade scholars went on a fantastic field trip to 826 D.C! If you have never been you should consider going. It is a place where you can write your very own story as a class. The people who work at this place guides the class through the writing process in order to have an amazing story.

First, the volunteers lead us in a moment of storytelling and the class begin collaborating on a narrative. We brainstorm the setting in two small groups. Then, we came back to the large group and voted on one location for our setting. Next, we discussed who the characters would be, described their looks, characteristics, desires, and what their names would be.

The third grade scholars came up with the title Forest of Flowers in Space.  The story is about a character named Mr. Tulip who owns a flower shop and has a son named Jake. Jake is trying to create a supernatural flower that could help the planet produce more life, but something terrible goes wrong. Jake mixed the wrong chemicals together and created a flower that could possibly end the planet because of its poison.

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Afterwards, we worked independently to come up with our own ending to the story. Each story was different. Then, we all got a chance to color and create illustrations for our book.

The people at 826 D.C. were super nice. They took our photo, typed up our books, and bound the books together with each student’s photo glued to the back. Each student left as a proud author and got book of their own. This field trip experience was very good. I can’t wait to go back again next year!

Paris Dozier is a 3rd grade scholar at Friendship Woodridge Academy.