I Volunteered to be a Photographer for TransPride 2024

Story and photos by Maestro Joyner.  

On May 18th, 2024, I volunteered to be a photographer for TransPride 2024. TransPride is a yearly event where trans, non-binary, and gender expressive folks come together at the Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library. They participate in workshops and panel discussions, experience keynote addresses, resources and exhibition fairs, as well as networking opportunities. Days before the event, I was tasked to study the photos from last year and recreate them to achieve the same vision.

In the first half of the morning workshop session, I took pictures of volunteers that signed-up for registration and exhibitors setting up. I had to be on the fourth and fifth floor and continuously took pictures of volunteers and exhibitors at work. There was a computer lab for LGBT research sponsored by the District of Columbia Public Library (DCPL)  at their people’s archive, and a workshop where there was a trans book chat for a book called Forged in Fire: LGBTQ+ Leadership Development.

Next, I was tasked to capture a workshop that was on the fourth floor in room 401-E where they were talking about advocating for LGBTQ+ issues in DC, specifically the DC LGBTQ+ budget coalition. In the auditorium, they also had a panel titled “Transcending Boundaries: A Journey through DC Trans History.”

In both settings I had to show the room of audience members, focus on their reactions, take close-ups of people asking questions, action shots of the speakers presenting, panelists interacting and of the interpreters.

During the resource fair, and engendered spirit awards, I was tasked to move to the terrace, dining room and hallways to capture participants grabbing lunch, but to avoid them eating mid-bite. After lunch, I had to capture many exhibitors at the resource fair, such as the Capital Pride Alliance, AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF), Booz Allen Hamilton, GILEAD, Damien Ministries, and DC LGBTQ Community Center.

Additionally, I needed to get a group photo of the exhibitors and their products, participants interacting with products, with the permission of all parties. Then I went to the auditorium to capture attendees walking in, hugging, and chatting in small pairs or groups before the awards ceremony.

During the awards, I captured TransPride director Bianca Sprague, guest speaker  SaVanna Wanzer, and awardees, Iya Dammons, Cooper Joslin, and Ty Kitchen, taking close-ups of each awardee walking up to get their award and then holding their awards. Right after the awards program, I took group pictures of all speakers groups, speakers and awardees.

Finally, during the closing ceremony, I had to get pictures of attendees smiling, laughing, and in groups. Before the ceremony started, I worked with Dee Tum-Monge, my point of contact with the planning committee to ensure we got the photos they needed. During the ceremony, I took close-up shots of Bianca Sprague giving closing remarks and a wide angle shot of her talking to the audience.

Overall this was an amazing and informational experience, since I learned to use a shot list and understand what the organization needed for photos. It helped me understand that I have to be flexible and ready to take pictures so I can give them the best results. I would volunteer as their photographer again. For more information about TransPride and how they help the queer community, you can click here.    

 Maestro Joyner is a junior at Friendship Collegiate Academy.